Award-Winning Video Curriculum
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made: Scripture and the New Science of Gender
A thought-provoking and engaging six-part video curriculum which provides a much needed place for Christians to begin talking about sex difference, gender, and sexuality.
In each video Dr. DeFranza presents scientific information in easy to understand language, integrating Christian history, eye-opening interviews, and careful study of the Bible. In many Christian communities, tensions about gender identity and sexual orientation often inhibit productive conversations. Beginning with the Bible and with bodies, participants discover concrete common ground upon which to build. The essential leaders' guide details necessary tools for facilitating fruitful conversations, walks groups through discussion questions, outlines key points, and offers additional content for each video.
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made does not push congregations to adopt any one theological stance. Instead it provides essential resources for navigating conversations within particular and diverse communities of spiritual sojourners. Though many churches understandably fear the potentially divisive nature of conversations about sex, gender, and sexuality, this curriculum has a track record of bringing participants closer to one other and to God as they learn to conduct careful, informed, safe, kind conversations.
“Christians are thirsty for this curriculum, whether they know it or not! Those of us who are fortunate enough to work fostering dialogue among Christians with diverse experiences of gender know how badly this kind of open-handed, open hearted curriculum is needed in faith communities. Those who struggle to make sense of an ever-shifting cultural landscape—which seems determined to question what was once considered unquestionable—will, I predict, experience deep relief at this gentle, compassionate, reasoned, and biblically informed survey of gender. And those whose lived experience of gender lies outside the traditional binaries will be grateful that finally—finally!—a resource exists to help their community begin to understand the beautiful complexities—and gifts—that exist in God’s miraculously diverse and endlessly generative creation.”